The New Year

If this week is a foreshadowing of things to come in 2013, then this may be a much better year than 2012.  I have had such a good week!  Monday, December 31, was my husband and my wedding anniversary.  Even though we are without an income right now, someone was kind enough to give us a gift card so we could go out for dinner to celebrate.  We were able to relax all day and then head out for our dinner date.  I made che thai (a Vietnamese dessert) for us to enjoy when we got home as we waited for midnight to roll around.  It was just the two of us, and we cherished every minute of it.




Then, on New Year’s day, we went over to my in-laws (who are rarely off work) to spend some time with them.  It just so happened that my husband’s grandmother was there, and we haven’t seen her in over a year.  We spent the evening relaxing by a fire and watching a movie with my parents at their house.

Today was also a fun day!  We went on a tour of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.  It is BREATHTAKING!  Any of you who live in or are planning on visiting St. Louis must get a tour of this church.  It doesn’t matter what your religious affiliation or beliefs are–the beauty and magnitude of the artwork and architecture in this church will blow your mind!  And the best part is it’s FREE!








Life definitely isn’t perfect right now, but I’m doing my best to stay calm, seek God, and trust that things will start looking up soon.  I have received so much encouragement from all of you.  Thank you.  It also helps that this month I am not using an ovulation predictor and stressing over whether or not I ovulate.  I never ovulate without medication (it’s only happened one time), so I don’t even know why I stress myself out peeing on sticks all the time anyway.  I am upset every month that I don’t ovulate despite the fact that deep down I know that will be the end result.  No reason to torture myself.  Besides, so many people get pregnant as soon as they stop trying, so we’ll just see if that really works.  😉

I hope you have had a great start to the new year.  May 2013 be filled with many blessings for us all.